Counseling Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting and subscribing. I’m so glad you’re here. 

I want to share a disclaimer regarding the content of what I share on Mortal Wonder. This intended to be a connection – to be educational, informative, and supportive. In accordance with the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, I strive to create a professional presence through this newsletter and all other forms of social media associated with Mortal Wonder,,, and To that end, I intentionally choose to disclose information about myself, and I will never disclose confidential information regarding my clinical work or relationship to clients

I manage Seek & Find Counseling and Consulting, where I work with a limited number of clients and offer group services periodically. I currently have a waitlist for new clients. For more information, feel free to visit my practice website and Psychology Today profile.

Nothing on this website is intended or implied to be a substitute for seeking professional counseling services.