Welcome to Mortal Wonder

For Lent this year, I'm trying to wake up an hour earlier than I normally do. Which is going to mean waking up around 5:30am because my son wakes up fully ready to take on the world by at least 6:30am (sometimes earlier).
I used to love waking up very early in the morning. In my pre-parenthood life, I would wake up early to exercise, work on graduate school homework, write, or just have quiet time alone to drink coffee.
Now I can sleep through anything.
My husband jokes that we swapped roles – now I'm the heavy sleeper who can sleep through all the sounds of toddlers and golden retrievers lumbering through the house on hardwood floors at sunrise – and he wakes up at the first sound.
I want to reclaim some morning time, and it's going to force me to change some habits (like staying up til midnight). Feels like a good Lenten practice to attempt.
I hope too, in these early morning hours, to write more. So welcome to Mortal Wonder.
mortal (adjective) – of a living human being, subject to death, that cannot live forever and must die
wonder (noun) – a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable
This is a place for anyone seeking companionship in contemplating our mortal lives at the intersections of faith, spirituality, parenthood, mental health, grief, and liminal spaces of life.
I'll write about the mortal wonders of my life. I hope they will connect with yours.
I'd love to have you along for this journey - subscribe if you'd like to stay in the loop.